From Humble Beginnings to the Largest in Virginia
Founded in 1973, TFC Recycling is a privately owned and family-operated business.
TFC Recycling is one of Virginia's largest residential curbside recyclers. Through our partnerships and agreements with municipal governments and public service authorities, TFC provides recycling services for over 6OO,OOO households and more than 4,OOO commercial customers in Virginia and North Carolina.
Headquartered in Chesapeake, Virginia, TFC employs over 40O people and operates more than 18O collection and transfer vehicles. TFC pioneered the first automated Material Recover Facility (MRF) on the East Coast and continues to revolutionize the industry through the use of single stream recycling which allows customers and residents to throw plastic, paper and glass recyclables in one recycling container. No sorting is needed. When recycling is easier, overall participation rates are higher. Our investment in this state-of-the-art technology ensures more recyclables are captured and processed efficiently. An increasing number of TFC trucks are powered by Clean Natural Gas (CNG). TFC also offers an online rewards program called EnviroPerks, which encourages higher participation rates for maximized diversion.
TFC has a long and storied history with recycling and an exciting future as a leader in the recycling industry. With an unwavering passion for recycling and for finding solutions for turning waste into a resource, TFC continually seeks innovative recycling programs that educate customers and help protect the environment. As one of the largest recyclers in Virginia, we believe that the most important value is to do the right thing for our environment and our community as we provide Responsible Waste Solutions.